Spring Cleaning: Tips for Cleaning out Your Closet

I keep my room very clean. All you’ll ever find on the floor is your average stray bobby pin or maybe a few crumbs from that day I was busy and ate lunch at my desk.

But my closet?

That can be a whole other story.

When it comes to spring cleaning, the top item on my checklist is always to clean out my closet. Even though it remains unseen and doesn’t make it into my Instagram photos, I feel so much better if it’s nice and organized. Plus, going through my clothes helps me to see what I should spend on and what I already have in my closet to wear for spring.

I’ve put together some tips for you today on the easiest and most efficient way to clean out your closet. I did this a couple weekends ago and it took me under and hour, so put on your favorite Netflix show and let’s get to cleaning!

Here’s what to put in the “donate” pile:

Those “I might wear this again some day” piece

Because you won’t, and you know it. The jean vest that only looked good at your school’s Sadie Hawkins two years ago won’t be seeing the light any time soon….time to move on.

Those “I don’t like the way this fits” pieces

You ordered a blouse online that looked gorgeous on the model, but not so stellar on you. Maybe it scoops to low for you or is cut weird. Truth is, you don’t like it and you don’t enjoy wearing it. It’s time to give it a new home!

Those pieces that have “seen better days”

The button up that’s missing a middle button? See ya. The sun dress that got too much sun and is now washed out? Adios. The jeans that got a little too distressed? Bye, Felicia.

Those pieces that honestly just “aren’t you”.

That leather pencil skirt seemed to say, “Hey, I’m fun. I’m edgy”, but you know you’re more of a leggings girl. It’s ok.

Those pieces you really only bought to wear once

2009 called, it wants your Hannah Montana Halloween costume back.

Anything that’s not supposed to be in your closet 

I found that I was keeping some strange things in my closet. Old canvas paintings, stuffed animals that deserved a better caretaker, and tons of receipts were among the mess that I found and relocated. Keep your closet strictly for clothes, shoes, and other accessories with the exception of a few larger storage items that may need a home (i.e. yoga mat, camera equipment, moving boxes).

I hope you can use this as a guide for your spring cleaning checklist! Tweet me a picture of your beautiful, clean closet on Twitter @cristina96x .

